Fair to Move Forward with Controversial White Tiger Exhibit


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The Central Wisconsin State Fair Board has voted to move forward with its controversial White Tiger Discovery exhibit.

Two weeks ago, the board voted to postpone the decision until more research could be done on the exhibit by All Things Wild, which promises opportunities for the public to observe the animals and learn about conservation efforts.

At a special meeting to discuss the issue July 29, the motion on the floor to cancel the exhibit failed.

While no public comment period was initially on the meeting agenda, the fair board voted to allow a public comment period at the meeting.

The fair is scheduled to return August 20-25.

More updates to follow.

Residents Express Views on White Tiger Exhibit



Animal Welfare Group Continues Push to Cancel White Tiger Exhibit


Fair Board Votes to Postpone White Tiger Exhibit Vote


Central Wisconsin State Fair’s White Tiger Exhibit Sparks Concern

News Desk
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