DATCP Creates New Wisconsin Agriculture Youth Council


For Madison (OnFocus) – Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) Secretary-designee Randy Romanski announced today the creation of the new Wisconsin Agriculture Youth Council. The application and additional details are available at AgYouthCouncil.wi.gov.

The purpose of the Wisconsin Agriculture Youth Council is to encourage young people to engage with state government and increase their awareness of DATCP’s role in Wisconsin’s agriculture industry. The Council will be comprised of 15 Wisconsin high school seniors from across the state who represent a variety of interest areas in Wisconsin’s agriculture industry.

“I am excited to create this new opportunity for students from across Wisconsin to network with each other and state officials,” explained Secretary-designee Romanski. “This Council will be incredibly valuable to DATCP to share more about our programs and encourage these students to participate in state agricultural policy development going forward.”

In its first year, the Wisconsin Agriculture Youth Council will meet each month beginning in September. These monthly virtual meetings will feature presentations by DATCP staff on a variety of topics, breakout sessions, and opportunities to rotate through leadership positions within the group. A final all-day session will be held in May.

Students will serve a one-year term on the Council. To apply, students need to submit a completed one-page application, resume, 300-word essay, one-minute video, and letter of recommendation. Applications will be accepted through August 21, 2020.

“Our young people are the future of Wisconsin’s agriculture industry,” added Secretary Romanski. “We look forward to supporting students’ passion for agriculture and introducing them to the variety of agricultural careers available in state government and across the industry.”

For more information about the Wisconsin Agriculture Youth Council, email [email protected].

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