Council Discusses Possible Parking Issues for Athletic Facilities

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The Common Council discussed potential parking issues for the athletic facilities to be built next year at the Marshfield High School.

Currently there are about 840 parking stalls available at the high school lots with overflow parking at Madison Elementary. The project meets city ordinance requirements for parking.

Alderman Rebecca Spiros mentioned that traffic spills over onto the street during big events, such as graduation. “I can just foresee this being a problem. I don’t know why someone would take the time to park over in Madison Elementary school parking lot if they can park on North Juneau, which is right across from the parking lot…There’s nothing to prevent them from doing that.”

Signage would direct visitors to other lots, such as the greenhouse, bus, and student lots, said Ron Sturomski, Buildings and Grounds Director.

Alderman Chris Jockheck said, “We’re going to park where it’s most convenient. You could put a signage up that says go to Madison or go to the greenhouse parking lot, but people are going to park on the streets because you can get to your car and drive away – you’re not going to be stuck. So unless we are willing to put up no parking signs, I think that’s just going to happen…That’s just going to be human nature.”

A study counted 675 vehicles for the Homecoming game this year, meaning the number of available parking stalls would have been adequate. With extra crowds anticipated for the first games in the new stadium, potentially visitors could be shuttled from the Madison Elementary lot.

If parking ends up being inadequate for the needs of the facility, the staff lot could be expanded to the south and a new striping plan to add 60 stalls to the bus lot.

Alderman Tom Buttke added that people would park where they wanted to despite all of the parking lots. “That’s our problem as far as I’m concerned. If they’ve got enough space for the vehicles there, then we have to deal with it in Public Works to protect our citizens so they can get emergency services that they need.”

Ultimately, the Council voted 9-1 Tuesday to approve the 5-year Campus Master Plan for the Unified School District of Marshfield.

“I am glad that it passed,” said Mayor Bob McManus during a press conference. “The School District is very clear on the concerns of safety and I believe they have done everything they possibly can do address those concerns.”

News Desk
Author: News Desk