CN Police Patrol Train Tracks


CN Police Ramp Up Patrol

Drivers on Veterans Parkway may have noticed a new police force patrolling the road.

The CN Police Department is a private railroad police agency covered under Wisconsin statute with jurisdiction near CN railroad tracks, according to Chief Rick Gramza, Marshfield Police Department.

The CN has stepped up enforcement lately, but it’s not uncommon to see them in Marshfield occasionally. “We’ve worked with them in collaboration a lot of times around Project Lifesaver, which is a safety measure around the railroad tracks for both vehicle and pedestrian safety,” Gramza said.

Crossing the tracks outside of a crosswalk (which is also trespassing), vehicles that don’t stop at the gates or drive around them, and turning right on red when the sign says otherwise are behaviors that the Marshfield Police Department with the CN police watch for.

“It’s never anything more than just for the safety of the pedestrians and drivers,” Gramza said.

If the gates are down and there’s no train present, drivers can call the department or Wood County Dispatch.

Project Lifesaver Celebrates 10 Years in Community

News Desk
Author: News Desk