City Approves Rezoning Wesley United Methodist Church Property for Rebuilding Process

Wesley United Methodist Church experienced a devastating fire on Sept. 2, 2018 and is in the early planning stages to rebuild on the same property.

The Plan Commission unanimously approved a rezoning request for the Wesley United Methodist Church property on Tuesday, a decision that will allow the church more flexibility in the rebuilding process.

Rezoning from a residential to a mixed-use zoning district allows the church to build closer to the front property line similar to the original building, which burned down on September 2 in a devastating accidental blaze. Located at 205 E. 3rd Street, the property acts as a gateway to the downtown and is surrounded by single family residences to the east.

Terry Frankland, congregation member, told the Plan Commission that many organizations including Boy and Girl Scouts, Marshfield Area Respite Care Center and Sweet Adelines have used the church building.

The church is pursuing rebuilding on the property and initial sketches were completed by Boson Construction in September.

The first reading was then presented at the Common Council meeting with the second reading scheduled to follow January 8. A motion was made by Alderman Witzel to suspend the rules and vote on the action that night, which carried 10-0. A second motion to approve the rezoning request also carried unanimously.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk