Central Fire & EMS Serves Breakfast to Top Readers

Photos provided by Lyn Mueller

Top readers from Colby Elementary, Abbotsford Elementary, and St. Mary’s were served breakfast by Central Fire & EMS at the fire station Friday morning.

The Blazing the Way to Literacy program, started last year by former Chief Bert Nitzke, awards students from kindergarten to 5th grade who accrued the most reading minutes during the school year with a trip to the station. Fourteen students qualified this year.

“It’s a challenge for the students to encourage them to read more, and the reward for that is they get to ride in a fire truck,” said Lyn Mueller, firefighter/EMT.

Fire trucks picked up the students from each school and brought them to Station 2 in Abbotsford for breakfast and a tour.

The reading program is meant to encourage kids to read books and use the resources they have available in their communities.

“We have beautiful libraries in Colby and Abbotsford so we definitely want to encourage the kids to use the library,” said Mueller. “There’s so many resources and the facilities are just beautiful.”

Central Fire will continue the program next year.



News Desk
Author: News Desk

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