Badgers Prank Fans with “Jump Around” Ban


The Wisconsin Badgers dropped its own April Fools prank that had some fans seeing red.

In a mock press release, the Badgers stated: “In accordance with new UW-Madison campus policy regarding seismic impacts, the Wisconsin Athletic Department will be discontinuing the tradition known as ‘Jump Around’ at home football games, beginning with the 2019 season.”

It’s a beloved tradition for Badgers fans to jump up and down to House of Pain’s “Jump Around” after the third quarter.

The “policy” was announced to protect “the structural integrity of historic landmarks on campus” and restrict “UW officials from ‘facilitating action that results in registered units on the Richter scale.'”

Instead of “Jump Around,” a spirit committee suggested new traditions like a synchronized Macarena dance, coordinated karaoke, Cheese Curd Squeak Song, or Sit Around.

Some fans were fooled by the fake announcement, perhaps remembering back to September 2003 when University of Wisconsin officials suspended “Jump Around” due to remodeling at Camp Randall. The move was extremely unpopular with students, who pushed back against the decision, which was reversed just days later by the Chancellor. The stadium was determined to be structurally sound and able to withstand the force of the crowd.

Luckily the policy announced April 1 was just a prank, and fans can still continue showing their spirit after the third quarter.



News Desk
Author: News Desk

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