Appeals court reduces award in legal battle over bedbugs



MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A Wisconsin appeals court has reduced compensation for a Minnesota man who got into a legal battle over bedbugs.

According to court documents, Steven Stack of Lake City rented a bedbug-infested room in La Crosse from Donald Lecheler. Lecheler planned to solve the problem by moving the kitchen oven around the house, hoping to increase the temperature and kill the bedbugs. Stack said that would create a fire hazard and moved out.

Stack filed a lawsuit in 2018 alleging Lecheler didn’t return his security deposit, he had to replace his mattress and clothes and he suffered emotional distress. A judge awarded him $2,000.

The 4th District Court of Appeals reduced Stack’s award Thursday to $1,000, saying Stack failed to show he suffered extreme emotional stress.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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