Altrusa Home Holiday Tour to Return Dec. 3 and 4


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – In a few short weeks, homes will be lit up in Christmas lights and decorations. The Altrusa Holiday Home Tour is back again in 2021 to help Christmas fanatics get their fill of Christmas spirit.

This year’s event will feature four Marshfield homes. They consist of:

Dave and Mary Jane Swenson, M520 Elm St, Marshfield
LeRoy and Sandy Egstad, 1907 S Pecan Parkway, Marshfield
Phil and Gail Shealy, 1011 Arlington St, Marshfield
Chris and Shelisa Schmidt, 701 Eastside Circle, Marshfield

The homes will have “decked-the-halls” as they show off their Christmas decor.

Shelisa Schmidt, a teacher at Grant Elementary School and participant in the Altrusa Home Holiday Tour, said she has never participated in the tour but has long been decorating for Christmas.

“I never attended the tour myself, but I know a lot of people that do,” Schmidt said. “We built/moved in last year and I’ve been decorating all of our houses for awhile.”

Tourists can expect to see all kinds of different decorations and Schmidt said she has a distinct theme to her decor.

“Our house is not, for the most part, the traditional Christmas decor,” Schmidt said. “We do green, white, black and gold decor with woodsy animals and modern decor mixed in. We have a 9-foot, slim, faux spruce and will have desserts made by Jessy Herkert.”

The tour will run Friday, Dec. 3 from 4 – 8 p.m. and Saturday, Dec. 4 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

The Schmidts are in the holiday spirit for more than just Christmas.

“Even though Christmas is big for us, we also decorate even more for Halloween which is our favorite season,” Schmidt said.

Tickets for the event are available at the MACCI office and at the Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library after Nov. 5.

The price is $10 when purchased before tour day and $15 at the door. The ticket will gain you entrance to all four homes in any order that you choose.

News Desk
Author: News Desk