ABC Shares Benefits of Construction Careers

quality roofing construction careers
Quality Roofing team

State Contractor Group Works to Dispel Myths Surrounding Construction Careers

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Associated Builders and Contractors of Wisconsin (ABC) are working to dispel the myths surrounding construction jobs as businesses across the state and beyond are struggling to find workers. Recently, ABC representatives visited Quality Roofing in Marshfield and discussed topics like employment, training access, and misconceptions surrounding the roofing industry.

“They aren’t better or worse jobs – they are just different,” said John Schulze, Director of Legal and Government Affairs. “These are good jobs.”

He added that one of the challenges is the belief that workers are sitting around during the winter. This isn’t the case at Quality Roofing.

“It’s rare that we need to lay anyone off and if we do it’s for a short amount of time,” said Mark Begotka, owner.

Other challenges include getting the training equipment necessary to interest students at a younger age.

“Early introduction to construction careers is key,” said Schulze. “Teachers aren’t opposed to teaching these career paths, but getting the equipment to train is challenging. You can’t just learn at a desk.”

With construction careers, there are opportunities to learn on the job and some schools offer apprenticeship programs. Additionally, roofing isn’t licensed like electrical or plumbing work, making it easier to enter the field.

“There is an intimidation to get into the trades,” said Pat Begotka. “To walk into the door of a trade and apply is more intimidating than walking into a restaurant and applying for a job, for example.”

“People need to realize that this is not scary. Show up, pass the drug screening, and learn on the job,” added Schulze. “At one time a four-year college was the go-to option. Now, it isn’t a reality for a lot of people. People are realizing that you can graduate high school, get a great job, be debt-free.”

He said that those seeking pride in their work that enjoy opportunities to travel and learn can excel in a construction career.

“We’re getting there as a society. People are realizing they can do this,” he said.

To learn more about careers at Quality Roofing, visit

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