European Soccer Super League Makes Big Splash Before Abruptly Halting Plans


~ From the Braintrust ~

It collapsed barely after it started.

The European Soccer Super League, which announced late Sunday night it had formed a league of teams from throughout Europe’s top leagues, collapsed shortly after it began.

As reported by Front Office Sports, several founding clubs changed their minds on Tuesday.

Chelsea and Manchester City bowed out. Barcelona and Atletico Madrid seem on the verge of quitting with other clubs expected to join suit.

Fans, players, and politicians in Europe spoke out against the formation of the league, with over 80% speaking out in opposition to the league’s formation.

The league has vowed to amend its plans and move forward.

As reported by Front Office Sports, attempts to ‘Americanize’ international soccer will continue. European soccer is founded on “relegation,” a system where losing teams are required to be bumped down to lower leagues. Teams at the top lower leagues then move up.

American owners of teams such as Manchester United’s Joel Glazer want the system changed, preferring the security of their teams playing in the top leagues every year.

Salary caps are another component American owners would like to see in soccer. Lionel Messi of FC Barcelona makes $167.6 million per year. Yes, that is not a typo, $167.5 million.

It’s also reported that television rights to a super league could be worth over 4 billion dollars.

Stay tuned. This is only to get more interesting …

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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]