Rocket News: 3rd Graders Learn About the World


Rocket News – The third grade classes have been very busy this semester. In math, we have been learning new strategies for the addition and subtraction of larger numbers, estimation, multiplication, and we are working on multiple-step story problems. In science, we completed a unit on vertebrates and invertebrates, and we will be learning about various land and water ecosystems.

In social studies, we have talked about and compared the various types and sizes of communities within the United States and around the world. Improving our reading skills is a priority for us, and we have been setting reading goals and taking Accelerated Reading test online, to see how well we understood the books that we read.

As time permits, we have been utilizing individualized reading, language arts, and math activities within the online Compass learning programs. We have learned the lower and upper case letters in cursive, and now we are beginning to do some assignments in cursive. We will soon be completing our second round of MAPS testing and hope to show gains in our learning.

-Submitted by the First Grade teachers:
Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Reckner, Mrs. Payant

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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