Marshfield Tigers Athletic Facilities Construction Update


Marshfield Tigers Athletic Facilities Update

Marshfield (OnFocus) Construction is rapidly taking place for the new athletic facilities at Marshfield High School and the football field will be ready for play by the start of the season in August.

Already installed are home bleachers, the retaining wall, underground drainage systems for the track and football field, and a concession building. The press box was also installed on the home side bleachers and visitor bleachers will be installed in June.

“The turf is ordered and being fabricated right now and should be here in about three weeks, and we’ll install it about the middle of June,” Joe Dolezal, Boson Company.

Once the perimeter railing system is complete for the stadium, next up are bathrooms and team rooms.

Once completed, the high school will be the site of a new football field, a baseball field west of the high school, and a softball diamond on the Madison Elementary property. Dugouts and concession area/press box are in place for the baseball and softball fields.

“We’ve brought in the underground electrical and water main and our next step is to install the retaining wall on each of those areas so we can finish our final grading,” said Dolezal. Infield turf will be completed after the stadium is completed. The outfield area will be natural grass.

The new bus parking lot is already completed and being utilized, and the second phase, the student lot, is almost completed. Once students are finished with the school year, the final lift of asphalt will be added and the lot will be painted.

The $10.5 million athletic facilities campaign also included facility upgrades at the Marshfield Middle School and Beell Stadium, which hosted its final high school football season last fall.

The work to be done includes redoing the Middle School track, which was degraded to the point of not being able to host any track meets for the last fifteen years, and putting in a new drainage system. Inside the track area, there will be a multi-use field for soccer, football, and physical education.

The bleachers on the west side of Beell Stadium will be removed to add extra playing room, and the playing surface for both the practice field and the field inside the stadium will be regraded. A practice field for softball will be put in near the current tennis courts, along with a shot put, and discus pad and cage. Two grass parking areas will better accommodate crowds.

The target date for beginning these improvements is the middle of June.

School District Committed to Middle School Sports Facilities Upgrades

Photos For Purchase

Marshfield Tigers Athletic Facility Construction Progress

Last Stand at Beell Stadium

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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