Marshfield freshmen girls shine at Columbus Catholic Cross Country Invitational


Marshfield freshmen Eliana Kanitz took fourth and Kairi Kim finished 10th in their first varsity run to top off a good day for the Tigers in their 2018 season debut at the Marshfield Columbus Catholic Cross Country Invitational on Saturday at Wildwood Park.

Kanitz finished in 21:18.5, exactly one minute behind champion Maggie Keiper of Whitefish Bay. Edgar’s Marissa Ellenbecker was second in 20:41.0 in the girls race.

Whitefish Bay in Division 1, La Crosse Logan in Division 2, and Chippewa Falls McDonell in Division 3 were the girls team champions. Marshfield was second in Division 1, and Edgar was second, Athens seventh and Columbus Catholic eighth in the Division 3 standings.

Meghan Jaeger, another Marshfield freshman, finished 24th (22:54.4), Bailey Bauer was 26th (23:00.9), and Allie Geiger took 39th (23:56.9) to round out the Tigers’ top five.

Lizzie Hanson topped the Columbus Catholic girls, taking 58th in 25:27.7, with Melanie Lang taking 68th in 26:20.0.

Wayzata (Minn.) in Division 1, West Salem in Division 2, and McDonell in Division 3 were the boys team champions. Marshfield was third in Division 1, and Athens finished second, Columbus Catholic eighth, and Edgar ninth among the local teams in the Division 3 field.

Addison Stansbury of Stillwater (Minn.) won the boys race in 16:11.0, 10 seconds ahead of Wayzata’s Grant Price.

Joseph McKee finished eighth in 16:42.7 and Joshua McKee was 16th in 17:12.5 to lead the Marshfield boys.

Bryce Fuerlinger had Columbus Catholic’s top finish, taking 41st in 19:00.3.

Marshfield will host its annual Marshfield Tigers Invitational on Tuesday at Frey Field in Spencer. The meet will begin at 4:15 p.m. Athens, Auburndale, Columbus Catholic, Greenwood, Granton, Loyal, Marathon, Medford, Pittsville, Spencer, and Stratford will be among the teams competing.

2018 Marshfield Columbus Catholic Cross Country Invitational
Division 1 team scores:
1. Wayzata (Minn.) 33; 2. Stillwater (Minn.) 33; 3. Marshfield 93; 4. Whitefish Bay 102; 5. Hudson 111.
Division 2 team scores: 1. West Salem 19; 2. Baldwin-Woodville 41.
Division 3 team scores: 1. Chippewa Falls McDonell 64; 2. Athens 65; 3. Chequamegon 93; 4. Augusta 100; 5. Colfax 117; 6. Stevens Point Pacelli 155; 7. Fall Creek 167; 8. Marshfield Columbus Catholic 171; 9. Edgar 189; 10. Osseo-Fairchild 222.
Overall top 10, and Marshfield and Columbus Catholic finishers: 1. Addison Stansbury (ST) 16:11.0; 2. Grant Price (WAY) 16:21.4; 3. Andrew Brandt (WAY) 16:21.8; 4. Yonas O’Malley (ST) 16:26.5; 5. Luke Sharpe (WAY) 16:37.6; 6. Lars Dewall (ST) 16:40.0; 7. Eli Dyer (WB) 16:42.3; 8. Joseph McKee (MAR) 16:42.7; 9. Ethan Vargas (ST) 16:43.5; 10. Anthony Weeks (HUD) 16:44.3; 16. Joshua McKee (MAR) 17:12.5; 22. Addison Hill (MAR) 17:40.3; 26. Eli Swanson (MAR) 17:57.8; 33. Carter Chojnacki (MAR) 18:30.5; 35. Jacob Dick (MAR) 18:38.0; 37. Henry Horneman (MAR) 18:45.7; 40. Tanner Kanable (MAR) 18:57.2; 41. Bryce Fuerlinger (CC) 19:00.3; 68. Cole Noreen (CC) 20:42.6; 93. Will Boyer (CC) 21:57.4; 103. Mark Fieweger (CC) 22:43.3; 106. Orion Smith (CC) 23:05.2; 108. Sam Wilczek (CC) 23:45.0; 118. Derek Fieber (CC) 34:02.1.
Division 1 team scores:
1. Whitefish Bay 22; 2. Marshfield 39.
Division 2 team scores: 1. La Crosse Logan 17; 2. West Salem 45.
Division 3 team scores: 1. Chippewa Falls McDonell 61; 2. Edgar 62; 3. Chequamegon 69; 4. Colfax 90; 5. Fall Creek 107; 6. Osseo-Fairchild 156; 7. Athens 158; 8. Marshfield Columbus Catholic 163.
Overall top 10, and Marshfield and Columbus Catholic finishers: 1. Maggie Keiper (WB) 20:18.5; 2. Marissa Ellenbecker (ED) 20:41.0; 3. Greta Trapp (LCL) 21:09.7; 4. Eliana Kanitz (MAR) 21:18.5; 5. Marlie Voight (LCL) 21;46.5; 6. Brooke Thurman (LCL) 21:54.2; 7. Lydia Fish (CFM) 22:00.7; 8. Grace Engebretson (SPP) 22:05.5; 9. Caroline Davis (WB) 22:12.7; 10. Kairi Kim (MAR) 22:17.2; 24. Meghan Jaeger (MAR) 22:54.4; 26. Bailey Bauer (MAR) 23:00.9; 39. Allie Geiger (MAR) 23:56.9; 40. Leah Brown (MAR) 24:09.4; 44. Elaina Kirschnik (MAR) 24:27.4; 58. Lizzie Hanson (CC) 25:27.7; 68. Melanie Lang (CC) 26:20.0; 76. Holly Dean (CC) 27:27.5; 80. Ashley Dean (CC) 28:24.8; 84. Janelle Haupt (CC) 30:10.0; 87. Greta Schiferl (CC) 32:15.5.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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