Marshfield Elementary and Middle Schools Will End School Year Earlier


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Due to an additional snow day on April 11, the School District of Marshfield has released an updated instructional make-up plan.

Students in grades 4K through 8th will have their last day of school on Friday, June 7. Marshfield High School students will serve an additional day on Monday, June 10.

The district added an additional ten minutes per day starting April 15. The April 11 closure made the high school 375 minutes under the required instructional time. The other schools will have satisfied the requirements by the end of the day on June 7.

“For the high school, where we absolutely do need to make up additional time, plans will now be initiated to schedule activities for June 10th that aim to be creative and make the most out of this extra day at the high school and close out what has been a highly unusual year on a positive note,” the district stated.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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