Hewitt’s Meat Processing Wins Awards at National Competition


Family-Owned Business Received Five Awards at Wisconsin Cured Meat Championships

Since the 1950’s, Hewitt’s Meat Processing has been awarded by the Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors at their annual Wisconsin Cured Meat Championships, and the business continued its winning streak this year.

The Wisconsin Meat Product Competition is the largest of its kind in the United States, with meat processing plants and meat markets from throughout the state entering more than 1000 products into 36 categories, including summer sausage, bratwurst, ham, bacon, smoked poultry and many other types of meats.

More than 40 judges, including food scientists, out of state meat processors, and other food industry professionals, are required to effectively evaluate the many products during a marathon session on the Saturday of the convention.

Each product is scored for external appearance, eye appeal, internal appearance and aroma, and taste, using a scale of 1000 points.

This year, Hewitt’s Meat Processing accepted Grand Champion awards for “Fresh Specialty Bratwurst”, “Traditional snack sausages,” Reserve Grand Champion award for “Traditional Boneless Ham” and “Commercial Boneless Ham”, and Champion award for “Semi-Boneless Ham”.

“Wisconsin has a pretty deep heritage for meat processing and many who enter products in the show compete in national and international levels,” said John Franseen, manager at Hewitt’s Meat Processing. “When you can go against competition of that magnitude and still have some success it’s pretty rewarding.”

This year, Franseen is most proud of winning Grand Champion for Fresh Specialty Bratwurst.

“We entered our habanero-mango flavored brat. It’s sweet at first, then the hotness comes out. I like it when it’s a unique flavor like that, ” he said. “That class had 47 entries, so to be chosen was pretty neat.”

Hewitt’s offers 32 different varieties of bratwurst, anything from sweet to spicy, as well as some featuring Nasonville Dairy shredded cheese and cheese curds.

“We also offer six different flavors of hamburger patties, five different types of bacon, five different types of hot dogs, and eight different types of summer sausage, as well as ten varieties of snack sticks,” said Franseen. “Some of our seasons are our own private blend.”

Since its inception in 1939 by Marvin & Crystal Hewitt, Hewitt’s Meat Processing has continued as a family-owned business devoted to quality and service, winning many awards, honors, and recognition.

“It lets our customers know that we don’t compromise on quality,” said Franseen of this year’s continued success at the WAM Championships. “We always try to have the highest quality of product that can be made.”

Hewitt’s Meat Processing has a retail shoppe at 1301 S Central Ave, with a Country Store located in the Town of Lindsey at 8300 County Road V.

News Desk
Author: News Desk