Green Bay police dog stabbed numerous times returns to duty

Pyro | Green Bay Police Department

GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — A Green Bay police dog is back on duty after being stabbed multiple times last month and undergoing several surgeries.

Police say that for the time being Pyro will be assigned to light tasks that do not require him to wear a collar, such as drug sniffing and training. He is currently wearing a harness because of an injury to his esophagus.

Thirty-year-old Sai Vang is charged in Brown County Court with causing an injury to a police animal, a felony, and two misdemeanor counts.

Authorities say the stabbing happened after officers responded to a call about a man with a gun. Police say they surrounded a house and Vang came out and refused to surrender. Pyro bit Vang as officers attempted to arrest him and he stabbed the animal.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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