Free Student Meals During School Closure


Marshfield (OnFocus) Marshfield Public Schools’ Nutrition Staff will distribute free breakfast and lunch each weekday, Monday through Friday, for students 18 and under beginning March 16th.

Free meals will be available for pick up between 11:00 am and 12:00 Noon in the circle drives at Marshfield High School (1401 E Becker Road) and Lincoln Elementary School (1621 S Felker Ave).

Meals cannot be consumed onsite. Students may pick up breakfast and lunch at the same time. Parents and students will not be expected to get out of their vehicle to receive meals. Free meal distribution will continue throughout the school closure period.

Stay tune for more information about eligibility to this program.

Q&A with Staff: (updated: 6:58 PM CST)

Can parents pick up on behalf of another family and is there a limit?

Student needs to be present, one per student.

Do they have to show district ID?

No ID is needed, available to any student 18 and younger, ruled by the DPI.

Is any food preparation needed?

They are ready to eat food… Like a coldbag lunch (lunch example: cold sandwich, bag of carrots, fresh whole fruit and a milk). We will be handing out a lunch and breakfast at the same time for them to take home.They are ready to eat food… Like a coldbag lunch (lunch example: cold sandwich, bag of carrots, fresh whole fruit and a milk). We will be handing out a lunch and breakfast at the same time for them to take home.

News Desk
Author: News Desk