Council Preview: Back on the Agenda – PDC Funding


Council Scheduled to Reconsider PDC Funding at Tuesday’s Meeting

At the April 10 Common Council meeting, Mayor Chris Meyer will present agenda item “T”: “Consideration to rescind action on March 27, 2018 pertaining to allocating funding to the Personal Development Center.” (Full agenda here.)

At the March 27 meeting, Council voted to deny funding to PDC. (Read more about that decision here.)

Meyer expressed disappointment towards Council after that decision, stating, “You are a governing body for a community that put money forward to build this facility and tonight you took the chicken way out and I am disappointed.”

Several members of Council expressed disappointment in Meyer’s comment. Alderperson Rebecca Spiros spoke about her decision, explaining that statutory requirements for health and human service are the responsibility of the County, not the City.

Additionally, the requested $80,000 would have drained the City’s contingency fund. (PDC has since secured alternative funding for the project.)

Other items to be discussed at Tuesday’s meeting include the election of one person to the Marshfield Utility Commission, a stormwater management report, discussion/possible action regarding a recent request from Marshfield Clinic Center for Community Outreach, and the review/approval of Request for Proposals for West 2nd Street Redevelopment Plan.

The City of Marshfield Common Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, and citizens are invited and encouraged to attend. Meetings can also be viewed live and in rebroadcast on MCTV Channel 991 on Charter, or online here.

Get ready for the meeting with Council Preview, a program from MCTV.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk