Biadasz Program Offers Rebates on Manure Gas Monitor Rentals


Gas Monitors Available Through Program

OnFocus – Wisconsin farmers and manure haulers can help protect themselves from highly toxic hydrogen sulfide gas by renting gas monitors through the Mike Biadasz Manure-Gas Monitor Rebate Program.

Hydrogen sulfide’s lack of warning properties, unpredictable release and high toxicity make gas monitors a must-have. High concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, typically seen during agitation of manure storage units, can cause a person to collapse within minutes.

How the program works:

  • Rent any four-gas monitor from any recognized gas monitor rental company.
  • Mail in the rental receipt and the completed Rebate Form. Program participants will receive a $75 rebate after the rental of each four-gas monitor (up to five monitors per operation).
  • Must be a Wisconsin farmer or manure hauler.

Information and forms are available at the  Questions? Email: [email protected] 

Those who mention the Mike Biadasz Manure-Gas Monitor Rebate Program will receive special pricing from Premier Safety, Inc., (586) 840-3204. If you place your rental order by 2 p.m. Central Time, it will ship that day and arrive the next day.

Mike Biadasz was agitating a large outdoor manure pit Aug. 15, 2016, on the family farm near Amherst when he was fatally overcome by hydrogen sulfide gas. Mike’s family established the rebate program to help prevent other families from enduring the same kind of tragedy. The program is in collaboration with Marshfield Clinic Health System Center for Community Health Advancement, and the National Farm Medicine Center.


Family of Mike Biadasz Donates $40,000 to National Farm Medicine Center

News Desk
Author: News Desk