Add Financial Protection to your Back-To-School Routine


Thrivent’s Nate Heeg Explains Protection Options for Your Family

As September begins, many people are starting new routines and refocusing on decisions and projects that were put on hold during the summer months. As parents busily shop for backpacks, sneakers, and other school supplies, local Thrivent representative Nate Heeg encourages adding one additional item to the list: a financial protection plan.

A father to five boys under age 18, Heeg is no stranger to the many financial challenges faced by the modern family.

“Back-to-school shopping, clothes, shoes, football, track, cross country – having kids is expensive,” said Heeg. “Being a parent is hard work, with a wide range of responsibilities, and financial challenges can be some of the hardest to handle. Thankfully, there are ways Thrivent can help.”

When determining ways to protect a child’s financial future, life insurance is something Heeg encourages as a way to protect a child’s future insurability, as well as set them on a wise financial path.

“Many people today don’t even know they can put a policy on their kids. Those that do sometimes think it’s morbid,” said Heeg. “But, you’re not necessarily doing it with their mortality in mind – you’re doing it to protect their future insurability should something happen to them while they are a child. I’ve seen cases where kids under age 10 can’t get life insurance because of medical conditions. Life insurance is really about risk management.”

Heeg said that many people view life insurance as more optional than other insurances like auto and home, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not essential. Thrivent is equipped with tools to help determine what type and amounts of coverage are best for any family member.

“Life insurance is something that so many people just don’t think about and there are many misconceived notions about it,” said Heeg. “Essentially, with life insurance you are insuring your ability to create income, which is your number one asset. I’m here to help people figure this out, to help protect their financial well-being.”

“One big fear is people think they don’t have enough income or assets to consider life insurance,” he added. “But, you’re never going to get to a point of financial security if you don’t start thinking about it now. You have to plant your garden and let it grow.”

Though many people are hesitant to seek an expert’s advice because it means revealing personal information and involves a certain vulnerability, he assures that everything is confidential.

For Heeg, having life insurance is not only something he preaches, but also something he practices.

“If I die right now, I know that my family has enough protection to handle life’s financial challenges when I’m gone,” he said. “I want to help you achieve the same for your family.”

“If you or your spouse dies, you don’t want to have to worry about money or have your family worried about money,” he added. “You would have enough to manage. You don’t want to be concerned about how to pay the bills.”

Everyone, no matter their income or financial situation, is encouraged to explore life insurance options.

Along with financial protection, life insurance can provide several additional benefits – both in your life and in your death.

“Are you concerned about how to teach your kids about finances? A side benefit of securing your own financial future is that you have the opportunity to teach kids about financial responsibility,” said Heeg.

It’s never too early to start formulating a financial protection plan.

“You don’t want to wait for a medical diagnosis or a near-death experience. You don’t want to find yourself waiting too long because you think you don’t have to worry about it,” said Heeg. “Start early. With life insurance – the more you wait, the more expensive it gets. What is peace of mind worth to you?”

To learn more about life insurance and discuss options, call 715-898-2561 or visit Heeg at

“September is when people start thinking long term again. It’s common to put off tough decisions in the summertime, but as we enter fall, maybe it’s time to think about them again,” said Heeg. “It’s a great time to start a new routine.”


Thrivent Financial: It’s Never Too Late to Start Planning

News Desk
Author: News Desk