1st Choice Recycling Start of Process for Aluminum Cans


Recycling aluminum cans is a process that comes full circle. 1st Choice Recycling in Spencer is part of that journey, accepting as many as 12,000 aluminum cans in one week for processing.

Once a load of cans is dropped off, 1st Choice Recycling crushes them with a machine and then packs them into a pickup truck. “A pickup truck load of uncrushed cans is between 80-100 pounds,” said owner Larry Lang. “If they’re crushed, we’ll have 400 pounds on one load.”

The cans are transported to one of three locations in the state and made into bales, which are then shipped to factories to be remade into cans again, thereby coming full circle.

Cans can be dropped off at 1st Choice Recycling anytime during business hours between 8-5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8-12 p.m. on Saturday. Though not required, cans are best brought in pre-crushed and in clear plastic bags.

On Saturdays, cans that are brought in receive 3 cents more per pound. The business will also be offering 5 cents more per pound for those with a coupon, available at Great Lakes Fresh Market in Spencer and Baltus stores.

Visit 1st Choice Recycling at 504 E. Willow Drive in Spencer for a variety of recycling needs.

News Desk
Author: News Desk